Learn Programming by Making a Text Adventure Game in Bash

text adventure

My programming journey started when I was a young Junior System Administrator, and I needed to learn how to use the Windows Command Prompt so that I could write (and read) scripts that were used to manager our Windows environment. After working through the first half of a (very dry) book on the subject, I …

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Ethical Imperatives in Data Analysis


In the digital age, data analysis stands as a cornerstone of decision-making across various sectors, including business, healthcare, and public policy. As the role of data in these critical decisions becomes increasingly prominent, the ethical considerations surrounding data preparation, analysis, and presentation are more important than ever. Ethics in Data Preparation However, in the realm …

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Common Design Patterns in C#


Design patterns serve as the blueprint for solving common problems in software design, offering standardized solutions that enhance code readability, re-usability, and maintainability. In the realm of C# development, leveraging these patterns can significantly streamline the coding process, making the code base more robust and scalable. The Singleton, Factory, and Strategy design patterns are among …

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Storytelling with Data Visualization

data visuals

In the digital age, where information is plentiful but attention is scarce, the art of storytelling with data visuals is a vital skill. Data visualization is no longer just a tool for analysts and scientists. It’s a storytelling medium that, when used skillfully, can illuminate trends, reveal insights, and make complex information accessible. Fundamentals of …

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Data Preparation for Machine Learning

data preparation

Before a Machine Learning model can start learning patterns, the raw data needs to be cleaned, organized, and transformed into a format that the algorithms can understand and use efficiently. This process, known as data preparation, can significantly influence the outcome of your machine learning projects. A well-prepared dataset not only ensures higher accuracy in …

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Asynchronous Programming in C#

async await

Asynchronous programming in C# is a powerful technique that empowers writing code that is efficient and responsive, especially in operations that involve waiting, like web requests or file I/O. At the heart of this approach are two keywords: async and await. These keywords allow your application to perform tasks in the background without freezing the …

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Speculations on the Future of Data Visualization


Data Analysis and Visualization is a dynamic field that transforms raw data into easily digestible visual formats. Traditionally focused on static charts and graphs; we’re now entering an era where interactive and immersive tools bring data to life. Emerging Trends in Data Visualization As we dive into the future of data visualization, three key trends …

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Teaching New Hires Your Company’s Language

Company Language

Every company has its own language. This language consists of the company’s unique culture, processes, assumptions, and tribal-knowledge – among other things. It is this internal language that allows staff to communicate effectively and efficiently. However, this language can also be off-putting to new employees. The Danger of Not Explicitly Integrating New Employees The dangers …

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Every New Hire Needs 3 Things

New HIre

New hires need to feel secure and welcome. They need to feel like they’re being set up for success. Unfortunately, many organizations do not take the time to ensure that this is the case. Instead many companies are simply concerned with bringing the new employee “up to speed” as fast as possible. It’s a matter …

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Data Science Concepts Every Data Professional Should Understand

data science

In today’s data-driven world, understanding and interpreting data is crucial for making informed decisions across various fields. Data analysis, the process of examining, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data, lies at the heart of this endeavor. Aspiring data scientists must familiarize themselves with essential data analysis techniques to navigate the complexities of modern data sets effectively. …

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